Thursday, May 28, 2009

Teagan Said

The other day we were playing and Teagan was a little gassy. At one point she looked at me and said "I burp in my bottom." I had to try really hard not to bust out laughing, so I smiled and told her to say "Excuse me".

Last night the storms were coming in and it was thundering as Teagan was eating her dinner. She looked at me and said "Thunder scare my ears."

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Catch Up

In regards to the previous post, we realized that the "Oh man" expression was learned by watching "Dora the Explorer", Teagan's second favorite show after "Elmo's World" on "Sesame Street".

I'm a little behind in blogging, so I'll just use this time to catch up. Two Thursdays ago, Teagan got to go down and visit Cape Grandma and Grandpa all by herself. The Friday that she was in Cape was also the same Friday where we got hit by some pretty major thunderstorms and a few tornadoes touched down. Admittedly, I was a little nervous knowing she wasn't close by, but of course I knew she was in good hands. She even got to have an adventure at the mall with Grandma. While inside a store during the storm, the power went out briefly. Liz said it didn't even seem to phase her. That's my brave girl. She also slept very well in a twin bed while she was down there and she seemed to have a lot of fun.
Last weekend we got a call from Uncle Evan who said he was filling in for a friend and grilling at the City Museum outside patio. We headed down so that we could visit Uncle Evan and Teagan could get her first experience at this unbelievable place. It just keeps growing. Every time I visit there is a ton of new attractions and tunnels and things to climb! She loved it. She went through the tunnels and down the slides with Daddy and played in the ball pit outside. She was able to run in big open spaces. We didn't stay long, but we'll definitely go back again sometime soon.

Friday, May 15, 2009


A couple more shorts:
Yesterday Teagan was in her room while Rog and I were in different rooms. She was "cuddering" (coloring). We then heard "Oh, man! I dop I cuder ensil!" (Oh man! I dropped my colored pencil!) We had to laugh. We've never before heard the "Oh man" expression.
She has also been working on her ABCs. She usually insists that we let her sing them by herself. She didn't fully cooperate after I pulled out the camera, but she gave it a shot.

Friday, May 8, 2009

The Story As Told To Me

Teagan was spending time with my parents, whom she refers to as “Mimi” and “Poppi”.
For whatever reason, my dad started coughing and couldn’t stop. My mom tried to convince him to get a drink or take some cough medicine, but he refused and therefore continued the coughing fit. My mom finally said, “Gary, would you please go take some cough medicine? You’re getting on my last nerve!”
Teagan overheard this, turned around and looked at my dad. She pointed her index finger and very authoritatively said, “Poppi!! You on Mimi’s nerve!” My dad then had the problem of controlling his coughing and his laughter.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I Dropped Out of Jesus Camp

I went on a women's church retreat this weekend. I used to take pride in the fact that I was up for anything and enjoyed camping and the outdoors. It’s funny how things have changed since I’ve gotten older.
I don't really find sharing a bunkhouse and two toilets with thirteen other women in any way relaxing or spiritually fulfilling. Add to that a cold shower, some feisty ticks, no sleep, and a bird pooping on my book in the woods, and it's a recipe for me to head home early. I tried to go with an open mind. I love the women in my church. Perhaps it would have been easier for me if we had had a cabin to ourselves. But we ended up sharing it with total strangers. I never sleep well in strange places. In an effort to take advantage of our free time, I tried napping during the afternoon. That plan was quickly put by the wayside as every three minutes someone walked through the cabin door and slammed it shut. I usually consider myself pretty easygoing, but when sleep deprivation sets in, I get cranky.
I think sometimes we all need a bit of a reality check to remind us to appreciate the little things that we take for granted. I know I sound dramatic and I don’t mean to because this camp experience wasn’t all that bad. I found the descriptions of the global mission work fascinating, the food good, the workshop I attended interesting and there were quite a few times when I laughed harder than I have in a long time. But I sure appreciated coming home to my family, a hot shower, a comfortable bed, and a quiet house.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Sticky Sweet

I've been trying to be a little better about posting the little things.
Below is a video of a game that we play. It started in daycare but we quickly got the hang of it.