Friday was an interesting day. When I woke up, my head felt about 3 times larger than actual size from the cold that I had felt coming on. When Teagan woke up, I was upset to see that her finger looked infected, so I knew we had to get her in to see the doctor. Fortunately I was able to arrange to work from home that day. Since the appointment wasn't until almost noon, I took her to daycare for a few hours so that I could get some work done. I estimated that I would be able to use my lunch hour to pick her up, take her to see the doc, drop off the prescription to be filled and drop her back off at daycare in about an hour. Wishful thinking. We got to the doctor's office, waited almost an hour before we saw anyone, then we were given the prescription and asked to go to St. John's hospital to get the finger x-rayed to rule out any possibility of a fracture and infection of the bone. By about 12:30 (45 minutes past her normal lunch time and 30 minutes past her naptime), we were on our way to the hospital. Fortunately, the hospital really had their act together, so there is no nightmarish story of waiting for hours. Overall we were only there for about an hour, though it wasn't all that fun with a relentlessly runny albeit stuffy nose and a crabby, tired, hungry toddler that insisted on mowing down innocent bystanders with her stroller in the waiting room and REALLY didn't want to hold her hand still for the x-ray. After the x-ray we had to wait for the results and Teagan was sawing logs within two minutes of us sitting back down in the waiting room. Fortunately there was no fracture, which I kind of figured, but better safe than sorry. I brought her home instead of taking her back to daycare so that she could get better sleep. (She slept obliviously through all of the transfers). Once I laid her down, I realized how awful I felt, so I closed my eyes to rest and opened them an hour and a half later when Rog got home from work. (Oops!) So much for a productive work day...
I ended up sleeping even more on Saturday (sorry I missed the Fortel's gathering, gang!) but when Saturday afternoon rolled around, I started feeling much better. Teagan has been on the antibiotic for 3 days now, and her finger already looks so much better. It looks like we're on the upswing!