Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Difference Between Try and Triumph Is a Little Umph

Teagan drastically improved her climbing abilities this weekend. Apparently this opens a whole new world, because Rog and I spent the better part of yesterday keeping her off of the kitchen table. It started with just pulling up on the couch while we were visiting Grandma and Grandpa in Cape. Then she realized she could climb up into her booster seat when she was hungry. When we got home, she figured out that she could climb the kitchen chairs and get what she wanted off of the kitchen table.
I work at home on Mondays and Tuesdays, and I have Teagan at home with me on Mondays. I normally set up my workspace in the kitchen, and sometimes Teagan likes to sit on my lap and “type”. I quickly discovered yesterday that if I got up from my seat and turned my back for a minute, Teagan was standing up on my chair pounding on my keyboard. We must have said “Sit on your bottom” 100 times yesterday, as well as pulling her away from it, closing the chairs in a bedroom, and trying time out. We dealt with several tantrums. If I can say anything positive about the experience, it would be that the kid certainly has focus and determination.
The first video is from this weekend, when she was learning to pull herself up on the furniture. The second video is back at home, early on in the day, when it was still kind of funny and she wasn’t yet quite as quick and sneaky!

1 comment:

Jody Saso said...

Oooh, the fun is just beginning! Gotta love the persistance and determination - my mom keeps telling me that Maria's most 'trying' attributes will be her strengths when she is an adult. Doesn't help when she is wailing at the top of her lungs!